Forgetfulness can be quite normal in a person's aging process. Over the years, the memory starts to weaken and to improve its quality and keep it active, it is necessary to stimulate the brain and create connections.
Exercise your brain
Learning new things is a good way to train your brain. Taking dance lessons, studying musical instruments and languages or playing games like Sudoku, can help improve your ability to memorize. In addition, repetition during the learning process helps the brain to retain information.
Improve quality of life
Physical activities improve the distribution of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and, therefore, contribute to the functioning of the brain. It is important to avoid stress and adopt practices such as meditation and yoga.
Feed with wisdom
Foods such as coffee, broccoli, saffron, dark chocolate, eggs, oranges and fish, contain substances that aid in concentration, help with brain conservation and brain cell renewal, also providing important vitamins for memory.
Sugars and carbohydrates can negatively contribute to the retention process and access to information in the brain.
Take a rest
Adequate night rest helps the brain to organize and store information, so it is recommended to sleep and wake up at the same times and establish a consistent sleep routine.
Currently, aging is no longer a painful and sad process. Training your memory can make your days more joyful and fun.