The event brought together 3000 Jamati members from all over both regions. This festival incorporated all four thematic areas of AKYSBP, with different programmes and activities organised in the fields of arts and culture, sports, leadership, and scouting and guiding. The festival was an opportunity for Jamati members of all ages to come together to enjoy and applaud the efforts of the youth of the Jamat. Organising and participating in the different activities gave young members of the jamat the opportunity to acquire and build on key skills such as discipline, teamwork and creative thinking. The festival aimed to provide the youth of the Jamat an opportunity to showcase their talent and to help create an environment in which freedom of expression, diversity, artistic creativity and sporting excellence can flourish.
Artistic activities included painting, drawing, singing and dancing. Sporting events included volleyball and football as well as events for seniors such as a walk and a tug of war. Leadership & life skills activities were organised around the theme of Ambassadors of Peace. Scouts and Guides performed a marchpast while differently-abled talented musicians performed live at the venues. The Jamat present at the event thoroughly enjoyed the events including the cultural stalls set-up by the local Jamat to showcase the diversity of the regions.