At a public meeting organized by members of the community, more than 3000 participants took an oath of cleanliness, vowing to keep their villages clean and to collectively prevent littering,
The public meeting was held at Mandan Village in Rajula Block, Gujarat and attended by over 3000 residents from the village as well as the neighboring villages.
Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, India (AKAHI) led a session on the importance of Safe Sanitation following which, inspired participants collectively took an oath to individually keep their own houses and its surroundings clean. They also pledged that the community as a whole would motivate other village communities to practice safe individual and environmental sanitation.
During the event, the District Development Agency announced that it would provide financial support to Mandan Gram Panchayat for implementing Solid and Liquid Waste Management system in the village under the technical supervision of AKAH India.
AKAH India recognized the efforts of Mandan Gram Panchayat and the village sanitation volunteer in supporting AKAH India’s sanitation programme at Mandan Village at grass root level, with certificates of appreciation.