In May 2022 the Jamati Institutions, in line with all jurisdictions worldwide, launched the new platform - Ismaili Institutions Portugal (IIPortugal).


Ismaili Institutions Portugal ( is a new digital platform which replaces the previous JIS platform (Jamati Information System), and will centralize data related to the Jamat and Institutions, with the aim of ensuring a simpler, agile and functional communication, allowing the community and Institutions a greater availability and accessibility of data and digital processes.

With this new platform, it will also be possible to ensure greater reliability of Jamat's demographic data, and ensure activities and events that are more targeted to Jamat's interests, conditions and concerns.

In order to draw up a portrait of the Jamat and design strategies and goals for the next triennium, we are starting today a data update campaign that will run until 21 February. We therefore ask the Jamat to access the IIPortugal platform and complete the requested data. With the information provided, the Institutions will be able to provide benefits specific to the needs of the Jamat and design strategies to improve the quality of life of the members of our Community.

The National Council teams are available to provide the necessary support to the Jamat during this process. We thank you in advance for your participation, availability, sense of responsibility and support for this initiative.

For more information, plese send an email to: [email protected]