Breast cancer is the type of cancer that most affects the female population. Due to the breast being a symbolic organ of motherhood and femininity, as well as this cancer’s extreme occurrence (7.000 annual cases in Portugal), breast cancer is one of the most impacting diseases in today’s world. However, if diagnosed and treated early, the survival rate is about 90%!


The "Pink October" movement was created in the 90s, in the USA, with the aim of raising awareness for the battle against breast cancer. Since then, October is a month dedicated to honouring women who were or are victims of the disease, raise awareness for the prevention and early diagnosis, as well as support on-going research in the area.


Some symptoms include: change in the appearance (size and shape) or palpation of the breast or the nipple, lumps in the chest area (including armpits), abnormal nipple discharge (blood for example), or redness or flaky skin around the breast or nipple.


The first step is educating yourself. Talk to your doctor about your risk of breast cancer, when and how frequently you should be performing examinations to avoid the occurrence of the disease. Regular screening tests are absolutely essential, even before any signs or symptoms, top enable early detection and treatment. Some of the recommended tests are the Screening Mammogram, the Clinical Breast Exam (CBE) and the Diagnostic Mammogram.

For women over 40 years old, it is highly recommended doing a Mammogram every year or every other year. For women with a high risk of disease, talk to your doctor about starting regular screenings before the age of 40.

Do your part, take care of yourself.