Parents from all over the world have said that On the Parenting Journey (OPJ) is much more than a parenting programme, it helps them in all aspects of their lives: at home, at work and with their friends.
The objectives of the programme are:
1. To help parents support their children experience stability in an unstable world
2. To cultivate harmonious and authentic relationships with children and the family
3. To foster emotional and social well-being
4. To challenge unacceptable behaviours with empathy, providing effective strategies that encourage responsive and cooperative behaviours
5. To enhance self-esteem, compassion and self-awareness
6. To build resilience by cultivating receptivity.
The sessions will take place online every Tuesday, 8pm to 10pm from 21 September – 7 December (no sessions: 26 October and 16 November).
Please reserve your place for the September programme by emailing [email protected].
Please see below for a flyer with details of the programme and information about the 10 sessions.