What is the Ismaili Student Network (ISN)?

Making the transition from school into university and onto a professional life can be tricky. The Ismaili Students Network seeks to provide support to all students anywhere along this journey. Through its various platforms, the ISN provides resources and tools to help develop and attain personal & professional goals by providing CV/Resume Templates, Scholarship options and 20-minute virtual sessions with young professionals and industry experts. Check out the link below and navigate through the page. http://bit.ly/isnkenya

Tell us a little more about the Experiential Learning Program (ELP)?

The thought behind the Program was to foster an interactive environment and provide  youth aged 19 - 25 an avenue to explore a career in marketing, banking, tech, not for profit, communications, digital strategy or entrepreneurship.  The ELP is a 4 – 12 week paid work experience opportunity open to youth within the Kenyan Jurisdiction.  For more information on the participating companies and to apply see www.bit.ly/isn_elp.

What is the Endeleza Station and why is it important?

Endeleza in Swahili means to improve or promote. The Endeleza Station is a space designed to provide curated resources, content and programming to keep youth engaged and motivated. Studying and working from home gives us the opportunity to leverage great online resources and virtual platforms to continue our learning, stay active and send positive messages to each other. The Endeleza Station allows you to choose from multiple categories including Mind, Body, Soul, Connection, Create and Economy. Check out the link below for more.

Given the current Economic Climate, can the Youth apply for Scholarships?
The ISN provides a platform where the youth can weigh out their options by comparing Scholarship programs on offer. These range from International as well as course specific Scholarships such as  Science & Technology. Grants are available for Undergraduate, Postgraduate as well as PHD.

Why ISN?
“Today's world is a living environment in which you will have to adapt much faster than your parents did, in order to have a positive and constructive impact on the future. Having said this, the means at your disposal to achieve such an impact have multiplied exponentially during the last decade. Never before has there been so much knowledge available about so many different people; never before have we known more about the physical world in which we live; never before, therefore, have the opportunities been greater to make a better life for more people around the globe." - Baccalaureate Address at Brown University, Class of 1996, Delivered by His Highness the Aga Khan.