As age goes forward, the body may start to react late to the brain's commands, generating feelings of despair and anguish due to the impotence felt. These fears are normal, but we cannot let them settle in and “paralyze” our daily lives.



At some point in life, many of us may have experienced a dream/nightmare, which is quite frequent, where we need to run or run away form something and, incomprehensibly, we cannot, our legs simply don’t respond. After a feeling of despair and anguish, we wake up a little shaken by the helplessness we felt. This small example illustrates what people from a certain age can feel in their daily lives, but in reality instead of in a dream/nightmare.

The time span between the order given by the mind and its execution begins to increase. The body is slow in obeying. So we start to feel that we are no longer as fast or as agile as before.

It is precisely at this stage in life that many people become depressed or distressed. Fears and insecurities increase: of falling, losing motor or mental faculties. These fears are normal, but we cannot let them settle in and “paralyze” our daily lives.

Each person feels and resents differently the changes caused by time. The out of tune compass between mental agility and physical agility causes a lot of suffering that, when lived in silence or in denial, becomes one of the major factors responsible for the lack of willingness to interact, the lack of motivation to move and the inability to seek help.

It is essential to talk and not deny these fears. Talking to a specialist in the field of psychology or psychogerontology will greatly help to understand the transformation process that body and mind are going through and, therefore, also to identify what is natural and what could be a sign of concern.

Professional clarification allows us to accept changes with greater serenity and to find new strategies and new resources to maintain the quality of life.
The goal is: to tune the beat, find the right music and steps to continue dancing to the rhythm of life.