It's a fact, the day doesn't last more than 24 hours. However, it is possible to learn how to better manage your time and stress in order to make the best use of each one of the hours of your day, without being constantly worried about the hours or what you have to do.
But not everything is bad! It is a fact that these two concepts of time management and stress are interconnected, and, by reflecting on their importance, the online platform Solent Online Learning launched the course "Managing Time and Stress".
In fact, it is never too late to establish good routines and habits. Organizing your life, your tasks and your commitments puts you more in control of your life, increases your self-confidence and helps you avoid sources of stress.
In this online training, through different modules and sessions, you will learn how to develop and design a routine adapted to you and will also prepare you to manage stress in the most diverse situations of your daily life.
The course is based on autonomous learning, which allows you to do the same at your own pace and to focus on what is most important for you, thus being a personalized learning.
Enjoy, learn and see that after this training you will feel much more relaxed!
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