- Informal Caregivers Workshop (in synergy with the Aga Khan Foundation, the Aga Khan Health Board and Social Welfare)
On October 20th, Elderly Care, with the support of AKF and the National Association of Informal Caregivers (ANCI), promoted a workshop on the Informal Caregiver Status Request process.
Who can apply to the Informal Caregiver Status
- Spouse or life partner;
- Relative or similar to the 4th degree of the straight line or collateral line of the person being cared for (Ex: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-grandchildren, parents, uncles, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-grandparents, great-uncles or cousins);
- The one who provides regular or permanent care to the person being cared for, who is in a situation of dependency.
Requirements inherent to the person being cared for
- Being in a situation of dependency and in need of permanent care;
- Not benefiting from a social or health response, public or private, in a residential regime.
You must also have one of the following benefits:
- Third-party assistance allowance (SPATP);
- 2nd degree dependency supplement (CpD);
- Complement for 1st degree dependency (CpD), provided that, temporarily, you are bedridden or in need of permanent care;
- Complement for dependency of 1st and 2nd degrees and allowance for assistance from third person granted by Caixa Geral de Aposentações (CGA).
As of July 1, ALL Caregivers from ALL counties in the country can apply to the Informal Caregiver Status.
- My Golden Events
On the latest My Golden Events program, held on October 15th, seniors participated in a coaching session with the theme "Mental Health". The session was led by coach Nadiya Manji, who addressed the positive aspects for improving resilience, for greater emotional control and for the development of seniors' quality of life.
- Active Memory
The Active Memory program, that took place on October 19th, allowed seniors to share stories with a dimension of ethical and moral values. The session ended with an activity allusive to comedy. Humour helps to promote well-being, to deal with difficult and unpleasant situations, to reduce tension and stress and to strengthen the immune system.
- Choir (in synergy with External Relations, Arts & Culture - ERAC)
Jamati seniors continue participating in senior choir sessions, every Tuesday, through the Zoom platform.
- English classes
Basic English classes take place every Wednesday and intermediate English classes every Friday.
- Elderly Gym Class
Senior gym classes take place on Tuesdays and Fridays, in Lisbon and Oeiras, and on Wednesdays, in Seixal.