Whereas Presidential Decree 142/20, of 25th May, declared, throughout the national territory, the Situation of Public Calamity due to the Pandemic of COVID-19;
Since the Presidential Decree 142/20 provided the possibility of reassessment of the measures contained therein, taking into account the developments in the epidemiological situation;
Existing a need to ensure a balance between protection of public health and the safeguarding of economic interests of citizens;
The President of the Republic, His Excellency General João Lourenço, updated the Exceptional and Temporary Measures to be in force during the Public Calamity Situation, as follows:
A – Operation of Commercial Establishments and Private Services
• It is allowed the functioning of commercials and services activities, provided that the following rules are respected:
1. Business Hours: from 7:00 am to 19:00 pm;
2. Temperature Monitoring must be adopted in the offices and establishments;
3. The wearing of face masks is mandatory;
4. Social distance of 2 meters between the persons must be respected;
5. The limit of workforce inside of the offices and establishment shall respect the limit of 50% of the total numbers of the employees at Luanda Province.
• A monetary fine between Akz 100.000.00 and Akz 250.000.00 can be applied if company fail to comply the aforementioned rules.
• Restaurants and Similar are authorized to function on a normal basis, respecting the following:
• Business Hours: from 6:00 am to 21:00 pm;
• Take way services and home delivery services can work every day from 6:00 am to 22:00 pm.
• The aforementioned individual protection measures must be respected by the restaurants.
B – Public Services Operation
• All public services shall be opened to the public respecting the following business hours: from 8:00 am to 15:00 pm;
• The aforementioned rules on the number workforce inside of public services is also applied;
• Port, airport, health, social media, provisions of water and electricity services may work with all staff;
• Private services are subject to same rules as provided above.
C – Home Working
• By agreement between the employer and employee, teleworking regime can apply in order to allow the performance of labour activities.
D – Freedom of Movement
• Borders of the Angolan Territory will remain closed for all effects, with entries and exits from the territory national subject to health control as defined by the authorities.
• Based on the rules to be adopted, the entry and exit from the Angolan Territory are allowed in the following situation:
1. Return to national territory of national citizens and foreign residents;
2. Travel of foreign nationals to their respective countries;
3. Official trips;
4. Entry and exit of cargo, goods and parcels postcards;
5. Humanitarian aid;
6. Medical emergencies;
7. Technical scales; entry and exit of diplomatic and consular staff;
8. Transfer of corpses, which shall be admitted until two escorts;
9. Entries for specific tasks by foreign experts.
• It is a mandatory requirement for international air travel, prior to carrying out a RT-PCR up to 72 hours before the date of travel. This is a mandatory requirement for the passengers to entry in Angola.
• Movements from Provinces and Municipalities under sanitary fences to other provinces and Municipalities will depend on the testing of SARS-COV-2.
• All citizens shall continue to respect the rule of movement restrictions in order to combat the spread of Covid-19.
E – Home Quarantine / Home Isolation
• National and foreign resident citizens that do not test positive for SARS-COV-2 in the pre-boarding test, it is mandatory to respect a home quarantine.
• Citizens subject to home quarantine shall be required to sign a liability statement.
• Only home quarantine is considered as finished with the issue of a discharge certificate by the health authority which takes place after the SARS-COV-2 test has been conducted with negative result. Said test can be done within 7 days after the beginning of home quarantine.
• In cases defined by the health authorities, citizens who tested positive for SARS-COV-2 and showing no symptoms, may observe the home isolation and the other measures defined by competent authorities.
• In the case mentioned in the previous number, home isolation is only considered as finished with the issuance of a medical certificate release by the health authority, which takes place after the SARS-COV-2 test has been conducted with negative result.
• A monetary fine between Akz 150.000.00 and Akz 350.000.00 in case of citizens that decide do not comply the home quarantine.
F - Institutional Quarantine
• Non-resident citizens that do not test positive for SARS-COV-2 in the pre-boarding test, it is mandatory to respect an Institutional quarantine.
• Institutional Quarantine is also applied in all cases of breaching of isolation and quarantine at home.
G – Individual Protection Measures
• It is mandatory to use individual face masks in the following situations: (i) in the public markets; (ii) in the enclosed spaces; (ii) collective transports; (iv) and opened spaces where the rule of social distance cannot be respected;
• Use of individual of masks is also mandatory inside of the cars, even if the citizen is alone;
• Application of a monetary fine between Akz 5,000.00 and Akz 10,000.00 those who fail to comply with the mandatory use of a face mask.
H – Special protection duty
• The following persons are subject to a special protection:
1. More than 60 years old;
2. Immunosuppressed persons and persons suffering from chronic illness who, according to the guidelines of the health authority, are to be considered at risk, those with hypertension, diabetics, cardiovascular patients, persons suffering from chronic respiratory illness and cancer patients;
3. Pregnant women;
4. Children under 12 years old.
• Citizens that have custody of minor children 12 years shall have they regularly work schedule reduced at 50% under the rules defined by the employer.
I – Final Rules and Measures
• Home quarantine and isolation regimes at home for asymptomatic positive cases shall be implemented as of August 15th 2020, and should the authorities create the conditions for its gradual implementation.
• Luanda and Cazengo Municipality shall remain under sanitary fence up to September 8th 2020.
Source: Institutional communication and press office - Multisectoral Commission for Prevention of COVID-19.