Ismaili Centres Archive
College is an important investment, and students who achieve excellence in their fields of study and careers can help improve the overall quality of life for their families and contribute to improvements in quality of life globally. The cost of education should not be a barrier for talented and outstanding candidates of the Jamat to access high quality university education at accredited institutions.
Below is some additional information for families to access funding for higher education.
Welcome to the Southeast Ismaili Games 2023 Registration site! Games will be held across Metro-Atlanta over 5 weekends from April 29, 2023 to June 10, 2023. Athletes who register before the early registration deadline will receive $10.00 off registration fees listed below. Early Registration ends April 9th, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
Registration is now open! Click here to register.
The Family Development Programme (FDP) is the ‘flagship’ programme of the Poverty Elimination agenda and is being implemented by all 22 National Councils globally. It is a social and economic inclusion programme designed specifically to support disadvantaged families in the Jamat, improve their quality of life, and enable them to participate fully in society.
The Ismaili Imamat is a supra-national entity representing the succession of Imams since the time of the Prophet. Today, the Ismailis are the only Shia community, who throughout their history have been led by a living hereditary Imam, in direct descent from the Prophet.
A 42 é uma das melhores escolas de programação do mundo, com mais de 18.000 alunos em mais de 30 países. Aqui aprende-se de forma diferente, desenvolvendo projetos práticos, em grupo, ganhando pontos e passando de nível, como se fosse um jogo.
O programa Impulso IA é destinado a estudantes, funcionários públicos e profissionais que tomam decisões, como gestores de marketing, representantes de vendas e analistas. O programa é acessível a todos, independentemente da experiência prévia em IA.
No âmbito do PRR «Mais Participação Sénior», seniores, técnicos e dirigentes reúnem-se em Sintra para preparar os Centros de Dia do futuro.
Os membros Elderly Care aproveitam o bom tempo para um passeio na zona centro de Portugal onde tiveram oportunidade de aprender um pouco de história, evidenciar artesanato típico, um almoço e convívio à boa moda Portuguesa, e por fim visitar o Santuário de Fátima.
5 June 1974. The world converged at Expo '74 in Spokane, Washington, for a momentous occasion in the history of environmental advocacy. This day would later be known as World Environment Day, representing global commitment to restoring our natural ecosystems for a sustainable future.
O National Council e o Central Fund Raising (CFR) convidam todo o Jamat para uma sessão informativa, a realizar no dia 7 de junho, às 20h45, no Salão Multiusos do Centro Ismaili.