Ismaili Centres Archive
The President of the Republic of Mozambique annouced yesterday 04th September 2020 new containment measures to be in place during the public calamity situation starting from 7 September for an undetermined period of time, until the risk of the pandemic ceases
The Jamat of Maputo and Matola participated in a blood donation campaign organized by Health Portfolio due to an urgent request from Hospital Central de Maputo.
A AKDN encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de "Property Manager", nas suas instalações no Paquistão.
Não existe nenhum impedimento em fazê-lo. Na verdade, existem bons motivos para investir nesta aprendizagem. O processo e o desafio envolvidos aperfeiçoam a criatividade, aceleram a capacidade lógica, melhoram o foco e aumentam a autoconfiança.
No passado fim-de-semana, os Aga Khan Education Boards apresentaram a todo o Jamat a Final do primeiro Festival Global STEM.
Would you like to be a Dar-at-Ta'lim teacher and participate in the religious education of our youth? Register here. Also, check out the testimony of Rafik Shamsudin, Primary Teacher.
There is no impediment in doing it. In fact, there are good reasons to invest in this learning. The process and the challenge improve creativity, accelerate logical capacity, improve focus and increase self-confidence.
A app StayAway Covid, que pretende identificar potenciais exposições a pessoas infetadas com COVID-19, já se encontra disponível para download em iOS e Android.
A app StayAway Covid, que pretende identificar potenciais exposições a pessoas infetadas com COVID-19, já está disponível para download em iOS e Android.
A group of Ismaili students from Afghanistan and Tajikistan made the most of a difficult situation when they were unable to return home from the Aga Khan Academy in Hyderabad during the Covid-19 pandemic. With the abundance of spare time they were suddenly given, the students planned and implemented an organic farm on the school grounds.
Dear Parents,
On behalf of the Board, ECD and REC Team, we would like to welcome all students, parents and teachers to the new REC Academic Year 2020-2021.
See below dates for ECD- STEP Classes:
ECD sessions: 19th September, 14th November and 5th December
Talim: REC Opening dates for Term 1 for Nursery to Grade 6
National Opening – 29th August 2020
Closing – 5th December 2020
STEP: REC Opening dates for Term 1 – National
Nairobi – 2nd September to 5th December
Mombasa – 3rd September to 5th December
Eldoret – 19th September, 24th October and 21st November
Burundi – 12th September, 22nd September, 26th September, 13th October, 17th October, 31st October, 14th November, 17th November and 28th November
Rwanda – 16th September, 30th September, 7th October, 10th October, 11th November and 25th November
South Africa – 12th September, 26th September, 17th October, 31st October, 14th November and 28th November
Mid-term – 10th October 2020 (for all grades including STEP)
Please connect with your respective Head Teachers/Teachers/ ECD Ed Reps for additional information required on the above classes.
We are looking forward to your participation at all RE programmes over the term.
Once again, a warm welcome and we wish all the Teachers and Students, all the best for the forthcoming Term.