Ismaili Centres Archive
Neelam Punjani graduated from the Aga Khan University as a nurse and has gone on to expand the boundaries of women’s reproductive health in Pakistan through her clinical experience and research. Now, she has appeared on the World Health Organization’s list of 100 Outstanding Nurses and Midwives.
Afghan midwife and nurse Shukria Hussaini was born in 1990 during the Civil War in Afghanistan. Very quickly after seeking asylum in Pakistan, she became familiar with the work of AKDN and the Jamati institutions, particularly the educational sectors that focused on English learning. Today, Shukria finds herself on the World Health Organization’s list of 100 Outstanding Nurses and Midwives.
Samina Vertejee, an assistant professor at the Aga Khan University’s School of Nursing and Midwifery (AKUSONAM), paved the way for many nurses during her professional journey as a public health nurse. For this, and many other reasons, she recently appeared on the World Health Organization’s list of 100 Outstanding Nurses and Midwives.
Innovatively repurposing filters from respirators, and reconfiguring classroom desk design to keep children in school, and safe from infection.
Nine Ismaili nurses and midwives have been honoured in the World Health Organization’s 100 Outstanding Nurses and Midwives list, in recognition of their vital role in providing health services. Throughout their careers, they have worked to promote women’s health and empowerment in their respective regions and beyond.
On 4 March 2021, the President of the Republic of Mozambique addressed the nation to provide the status of the pandemic situation in-country and announced new measures to be in place for the next thirty (30) days counting as from 7 March 2021.
O Youth & Sports em parceria com o Circle convida todo o Jamat a participar nas aulas online especialmente preparadas para si.
O Elderly Care continua a realizar as suas atividades semanais online para todos os seniores do Jamat. Esta semana destacamos a sessão do My Golden Events cujo o tema foi "Segredo da Felicidade", com a oradora Nady Premji.
No próximo dia 11 de março, pelas 20h30, incentivamos todo o Jamat a participar no webinar "Os riscos da internet e das redes sociais, dos 8 aos 80". Agora, mais do que nunca, é importante estarmos a par dos riscos da internet e das redes sociais a fim de nos protegermos a nós e aos que nos rodeiam.
Partilhamos o terceiro artigo da nossa rubrica de gestão de tempo mensal. Estes artigos focam-se em meios de estudo e concentração que nos ensinam a adaptar as capacidades de gestão de tempo ao nosso próprio ritmo e forma de aprendizagem. Hoje a rúbrica é dedicada aos mais pequenos, e às novas maneiras de aprendizagem.
Today we share the third article of our monthly time management column. These articles focus on concentration and study tools that teach us to adapt our time management abilities to our own pace and way of learning.
Venha conhecer o que nossa equipa anda a ler. Deixamos-lhe as nossas sugestões de leitura para este mês. Partilhe connosco a sua lista de livros favoritos!
Depois do sucesso dos Bootcamps Online realizados em janeiro, a Happy Code do Lumiar irá, assim, realizar um novo Bootcamp Tecnológico Online durante as férias da Páscoa. O Bootcamp tem a duração de 6 horas, divididas entre 2 dias e irá decorrer entre os dias 25 de março e 1 de abril.
The Elderly Care continues to conduct its weekly online activities for all the seniors in the Jamat. This week we highlight the My Golden Events session whose theme was "Secret of Happiness" with the speaker Nady Premji.
Last updated: 3 March 2021
The Chancellor has announced the Budget for 2021, which has implications for Jamati households and businesses.
In celebration of International Women’s Day, the TKN committee would like to recognise the phenomenal contribution made to our institutions by the female members of our Jamat.
She is a Sri Lankan marine biologist, ocean educator, and founder of an education and research non-profit. Who is this renaissance woman who wears so many hats? She is Dr Asha de Vos, a passionate young marine biologist and educator. She also currently serves as executive director of Oceanswell in Sri Lanka, and is a pioneering researcher studying blue whales in tropical oceans. Needless to say, Asha de Vos has taken the road less traveled, making it her mission to contribute towards saving the oceans while inspiring a new generation of marine conservationists.
Calling all Changemakers! Global Encounters and the Aga Khan Youth and Sports Boards are excited to announce the return of CONNECT in 2021, a virtual camp for the global Ismaili Muslim community!
Farah Williamson’s story is multi-faceted. As a 10-year-old girl, she had to flee her home country, Rwanda, during the 1994 genocide. Today, Farah is the co-founder of Project Shelter Wakadogo, a not-for-profit school in Gulu, Uganda. Farah speaks about these experiences and more in the second episode of The Ismaili TV’s original series Trailblazers.