Ismaili Centres Archive
While the focus during this pandemic has been on patients and the public, we take a look at how the medical field and physicians in the Jamat have also been impacted.
O Youth & Sports, em parceria com o Circle, tem vindo a disponibilizar aulas de exercício online para todo o Jamat. Junte-se a nós, em aulas de pilates e de treino funcional!
As Aga Khan Academies encontram-se a recrutar para a posição de Head of Academy, nas suas instalações em Maputo. Envie a sua candidatura até 15 de abril de 2021.
Esta semana temos propostas musicais absolutamente fantásticas, a não perder.
A criatividade é como um músculo. Precisa de ser exercitada. E quando está ativa faz maravilhas pelo nosso espírito e bem-estar. É a nossa garantia! Venha comprovar!
Mais do que nunca, precisamos de parar para pensar, para respirar de forma consciente e, sobretudo, para lidar com o stress e com a ansiedade acumulados nestes dias de confinamento. A prática de yoga foi classificada pela UNESCO como Património Cultural e Imaterial da Humanidade e pode ajudar a espairecer e a acalmar a ansiedade.
More than ever, we need to stop thinking, to breathe consciously and, above all, to deal with the stress and anxiety accumulated in these days of confinement. The practice of yoga was classified by UNESCO as Cultural and Intangible Heritage of Humanity and can help to relax and calm anxiety down.
Esta semana, destacamos a sessão de yoga adaptada aos seniores pela professora Paula Roque.
Vais ingressar no ensino secundário em breve? Sentes que ainda não tens todas as informações necessárias para fazer a tua escolha? Com a nova rúbrica “Vou para o secundário e agora?”, o AKEB está aqui para te ajudar!
Não sabes como fazer a inscrição para os exames nacionais este ano? Nós ajudamos - este artigo explica o processo de inscrição e disponibiliza um guia, de modo a que possas concluir o teu ano de escolaridade com a maior facilidade possível!
The Ismaili community would like to offer its sincerest condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family on the sad news of the passing of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
This week, on our sixth episode of Trailblazers, we are joined by Dr Eboo Patel, the founder and president of Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC), a nonprofit organisation based in Chicago that prepares youth to become interfaith leaders in a changing environment. Eboo was also a member of President Barack Obama’s inaugural advisory council on faith-based and neighborhood partnerships. A Rhodes scholar with a doctorate in sociology from Oxford University, Eboo has authored four books, with a fifth on the way. In recognition of his life’s work, Eboo has also been awarded numerous honorary degrees.
This week, we feature the yoga session adapted for seniors by yoga instructor Paula Roque.
Building a fairer, healthier world is the theme for this year’s World Health Day, recognized annually by the World Health Organization on 7 April.
Healthy living is a difficult state to achieve at the best of times. How can we create and sustain good health, whilst facing an unprecedented public health challenge which has left a trail of economic and social upheaval?
In order to improve their performance, organisations often hire the services of management consultants. But what exactly is a management consultant, and what do they do?
Tornadoes are violent and can happen anywhere. In 2020 there were 1,075 tornadoes across the US with the greatest risk in the Central, Southeast, Midwest, Southeast, and Florida regions.
Ismaili CIVIC is a global programme under which the Jamat throughout the world has united around a mission to serve humanity by rendering services to improve the quality of life of the communities in which they live. This international endeavour reflects the community’s ethic of civic engagement and good citizenship, exemplifying Islam’s core values of service, peace, compassion and care for the vulnerable.