Ismaili Centres Archive
La rentrée Mosaic aura lieu le week-end prochain pour Paris et Argenteuil, et le 5 octobre en ligne. Ce programme est destiné aux jeunes de 12 à 17 ans afin de mieux comprendre notre foi.
Retrouver les informations relatives à la rentrée du Bait-Ul-Ilm ce mois-ci.
For this unique day, join thousands of Ismaili volunteers from around the world to celebrate our values of service and compassion. Be a part of this global movement for humanity and the protection of our planet!
Kickoff day for the Global Encounters Festival team in our jurisdiction!
The Landlords Alliance is an Ismaili Community for private residential landlords. Join us for our Launch Event on 17th October 2024 (details below).
Jour de rentrée pour l'équipe Global Encounters Festival de notre juridiction !
Prince Rahim today met with Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Federation in Bern, to discuss cooperation between Switzerland and the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) in countries and regions of shared interest.
أمضى التوأمان المتطابقان نيكيل وإميل العديد من عطلات الصيف في طفولتهما في زيارة أجدادهما في فانكوفر، حيث كانا يستمتعان بالإبحار في معسكر صيفي. وهناك اكتشفا حبهما لهذه الرياضة. ولم يكن لديهما أدنى فكرة أن هذه المغامرات سوف تتطور في يوم من الأيام إلى منافسة.
Awareness of anxiety and depression on mental health is critical to seeking help and preventing self-harm.
From tree planting, neighbourhood clean up drives and shoreline cleanups, the Ismaili community has rallied in an effort to protect the environment over recent years. Learn how you can get involved in this crucial effort to make the world a cleaner, greener place.
Identical twins Nikhil and Emil spent many of their childhood summers visiting their grandparents in Vancouver, where they enjoyed sailing at summer camp. It was there that they discovered their love for the sport. Little did they know these adventures would one day evolve into a competitive pursuit.
Pakistani-American artist uses wood as a medium to showcase the violence and destruction suffered by refugees.
AKYSB a le plaisir d'annoncer l'ouverture des inscriptions pour participer au Portugal Sports Festival, qui se déroulera à Lisbonne les 26 et 27 octobre prochains !