Ismaili Centres Archive
On the coldest months of the year, it’s not easy to let go of the comfort of your sofa, your blanket or your warm cup of tea. But be strong and don’t let yourserf be carried away by those temptations. Practicing exercise during the Winter is essential for your health. Youth & Sports gives you a little help. Come and join the INATEL activities that take place every Sunday!
How can I boost my kid’s potential? The environment, the care, and the activities you present to a child will be life-changing, if one stops and researches about it.
Como posso aumentar o potencial do meu filho? O contexto, os cuidados básicos e as atividades que apresentamos às crianças podem mudar o rumo da sua vida, se pararmos para pesquisar sobre o assunto.
De ficção científica ao romance, temos um pouco de tudo nas nossas propostas de leitura deste mês. Porque não explorar a livraria, um destes dias, quando for passear? Poderá encontrar verdadeiros tesouros para “construir castelos” no seu espírito! Mas deixamos-lhe aqui, diretamente, as nossas sugestões de leitura para este mês. Boas leituras!
From science fiction to romance, we have a little bit of everything in our reading proposals this month. Why not explore the bookstore one of these days when you're out and about? You can find true treasures to “build castles” in your spirit! But here are, directly from us to you, our reading suggestions for this month. Happy readings!
“Arte e Natureza”! Foi este o mote para o workshop de Desenho e Pintura que decorreu no passado dia 2 de fevereiro, no Salão Multiusos do Centro Ismaili, com o professor Vítor Matos.
"Art and Nature"! This was the motto for the Drawing and Painting workshop that took place on 2 February, in the multipurpose hall of the Ismaili Centre, with teacher Vítor Matos.
A 30 de janeiro de 2023, foi apresentada e distribuída a “NeuroBox”, na Casa de Saúde da Idanha - Instituto das Irmãs Hospitaleiras do Sagrado do Sagrado Coração de Jesus, em Belas, Sintra.
O Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKEPB) encontra-se a promover um curso profissional de reparação, arranjo ou substituição de peças para telemóveis e de tablets, a realizar-se de 06 a 10 de março, entre as 09h00 e as 18h00, no Salão de Exposições do Centro Ismaili, Lisboa. O curso será lecionado em inglês, com apoio em gujrati, e as inscrições estão abertas até ao próximo dia 27 de fevereiro.
The Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKEPB) is promoting a professional course in repairing, fixing or replacing parts for mobile phones and tablets, to be held from March 6th to 10th, between 9:00am and 6:00pm, in the Exhibition Hall of the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon. The course will be taught in English, with support in Gujrati, and registration is open until February 27th.
As seguintes informações são transmitidas para atualizar o Jamat relativamente aos graves terramotos que atingiram partes da Turquia e da Síria na madrugada de segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro, resultando na perda trágica de milhares de vidas e danos significativos nas infra-estruturas locais. Os relatórios iniciais indicam que o Jamat não sofreu quaisquer fatalidades.
The following information is conveyed to update the Jamat regarding the severe earthquakes that struck parts of Turkey and Syria in the early hours of Monday 6 February, resulting in the tragic loss of thousands of lives and massive infrastructure damage. Initial reports indicate that the Jamat has not suffered any fatalities.
Upskilling Afghan refugees in India helps pave the way towards a sustainable future. Upskilling Afghan refugees in India helps pave the way towards a sustainable future. Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) supports many innovative programmes in collaboration with local partners, to prepare them for their journey.
Upskilling Afghan refugees in India helps pave the way towards a sustainable future. Upskilling Afghan refugees in India helps pave the way towards a sustainable future. Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) supports many innovative programmes in collaboration with local partners, to prepare them for their journey.
Upskilling Afghan refugees in India helps pave the way towards a sustainable future. Upskilling Afghan refugees in India helps pave the way towards a sustainable future. Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) supports many innovative programmes in collaboration with local partners, to prepare them for their journey.
Upskilling Afghan refugees in India helps pave the way towards a sustainable future. Upskilling Afghan refugees in India helps pave the way towards a sustainable future. Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) supports many innovative programmes in collaboration with local partners, to prepare them for their journey.
Upskilling Afghan refugees in India helps pave the way towards a sustainable future. Upskilling Afghan refugees in India helps pave the way towards a sustainable future. Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) supports many innovative programmes in collaboration with local partners, to prepare them for their journey.
Originally from Pune, India, Hafiza holds a double Master’s degree in the field of Business, Commerce and Human Resource Management. Hafiza’s life took a turn when she moved to New Zealand a decade ago. Like any other new migrant, Hafiza and her family had their share of settlement and employment challenges. But that didn’t stop Hafiza, a mother of two beautiful children, from achieving her goals.
The event was successful in hosting 500 participants at the Ismaili Centre, Dubai and created an environment filled with excitement and enthusiasm for all.