Ismaili Centres Archive
Este año la celebración del Nuevo Año, el Nawruz, cae muy cerca del comienzo del sagrado mes de Ramadán. Mientras que el Nawruz es el equinoccio de primavera según el calendario solar, el mes de Ramadán es el noveno mes del calendario islámico, que es un calendario lunar, lo que quiere decir que cada mes empieza y termina con la luna nueva.
This year, the celebration of the New Year, Nawruz, falls very close to the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. While Nawruz is the Spring equinox according to the solar calendar, the month of Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. This is a lunar calendar, which means that each month begins and ends with the new moon.
Dunia, Farshed, Farzod, Nalina y Naya, nuestros estudiantes de Ta‘lim de primaria del jamat de España, comparten con nosotros sus dibujos sobre Nawruz y la primavera. ¡Gracias!
Our primary Ta‘lim students from Spain Jamat, Dunia, Farshed, Farzod, Nalina and Naya, share here their drawings of Nawruz and Spring. Thank you!
Durante el Ramadán, los musulmanes se esfuerzan por crecer espiritualmente. Buscan alcanzar esta meta a través del ayuno, abandonando hábitos y conductas desaconsejables, siendo más caritativos y generosos con quienes necesitan ayuda y persiguiendo la superación personal. Los actos de culto como la oración y, especialmente, la lectura del Sagrado Corán, se intensifican durante el sagrado mes.
During Ramadan, Muslims strive to grow spiritually. They try to achieve this in different ways, such as fasting, giving up unadvisable habits and behaviours, being more charitable and generous towards those who need a helping hand and working on self-improvement. Acts of worship like prayer and, specially, reading the Holy Qur’an, intensify during the holy month.
As we celebrate the festival of Navroz, The Ismaili is pleased to share a photo of Mawlana Hazar Imam with his grandsons Prince Irfan, aged seven, and Prince Sinan, aged six, taken recently at his Lisbon residence.
In 2024, talented artists and athletes from more than 30 countries will converge, compete, perform and exhibit on the world stage. The Global Encounters Festival, an initiative of the new Global Encounters institution, will bring together the Jubilee Arts and Jubilee Games in one location.
The moon and the planet form an intricate cycle in allowing life to flourish. Spring harbours patience as it trusts the universe to create the right conditions for it to bloom and when it's time arrives, it seizes it with gracefulness and fills our world with beauty.
The Greater Houston community was welcomed to a lively display of Persian and Ismaili culture through the Navroz Festival held in Buffalo Bayou Park, just across the street from the site of the upcoming Ismaili Center Houston.
In nature, the concept of waste does not exist. Ecological systems are designed with perfect circular processes where resources flow in a waste-free, sustainable loop. On the contrary, human-designed systems use linear processes where resources are extracted, processed, briefly used, and then discarded. How can we replicate the ideal circular systems found in nature?
Finally arriving at a much-anticipated moment, graduands of AKU’s Class of 2022 walked across the stage under the beautiful shamiyana structure set up at AKU’s campus in Karachi — and across similar stages at AKU’s campuses in Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, and Kampala. Princess Zahra delivered a convocation address to guests, which included a special message from Mawlana Hazar Imam.
As Mawlana Hazar Imam arrived in Karachi on a warm and hazy spring day in 1983, thousands had gathered under the shade of a white marquee for a momentous event. The Aga Khan University was to receive its founding charter. “Today,” Hazar Imam said in his acceptance speech, “is historic in the true sense.”
Princess Zahra earlier today arrived in Karachi for the Aga Khan University (AKU)’s Convocation of the Class of 2022. To coincide with its 40th anniversary celebrations, AKU’s special event today will honour AKU’s graduating classes in Pakistan, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and the UK, and will include an address by Princess Zahra on behalf of the Chancellor. The event will appear live on The Ismaili TV.
خطاب الأمير رحيم آغا خان في القمة العالمية للحكومات في دبي في 13 شباط 2023، تحدث الأمير رحيم آغا خان عن التحضر في العالم النامي على خلفية التغير المناخي، ركز على البنية التحتية والصحة والانبعاثات وعرض مشروع حديقة الأزهر في القاهرة
O Curso de curta duração do Instituto de Estudos Ismailis sobre Simbolismo Religioso na Arte e Arquitetura terá lugar em Lisboa de 9 a 13 de setembro, sendo que o prazo de candidaturas termina a 21 de março de 2023.
As experiências internacionais podem ser uma das formas mais enriquecedoras de expandir horizontes e adquirir novas competências. Seja por meio de intercâmbios académicos por ex:o programa Erasmus+), viagens ou programas de voluntariado num outro país (por ex: Global Encounters Camps), as experiências internacionais têm um impacto significativo tanto na vida pessoal como profissional de qualquer pessoa. Neste artigo damos-te a conhecer algumas das múltiplas vantagens que uma experiência internacional te poderá trazer!