Content Tagged with Community

Chaque semaine, tout au long du mois de Ramadan, le Tariqah Board vous propose un podcast réalisé par nos futurs Waezeens. Nous vous présentons un conte Sufi : Les oiseaux blancs et les oiseaux noirs. Cliquez ci-dessous pour l’écouter.

Join us for the February edition of The Ismaili Update, as we look back at the exciting stories from the worldwide Jamat over the past month.

Aga Khan Academy student visit the Indian Navy ship Varaha

The High Commission of India in Maputo invited students from the Aga Khan Academy Maputo to visit the Indian Navy ship Varaha.

High Commission of India  Visit to Edificio Sua Alteza Aga Khan Group Photo

On February 22, 2024, the President and Vice President of the National Council at the Edificio Sua Alteza Aga Khan welcomed representatives from the High Commission of India in Mozambique. The representatives received a briefing on the Council's mandate and its outreach initiatives during the meeting. Additionally, they were given a Guided Tour of the Jamatkhana building.

Join us from Mombasa for episode 3 of The Ismaili Update: Kenya, as we go behind the scenes at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa's 20th anniversary celebrations. See highlights from the event, in which Princess Zahra joined students, staff, and guests to celebrate a milestone moment for the school.

Join us from Nairobi for episode 2 of The Ismaili Update: Kenya, as we go behind the scenes at the Aga Khan University’s Global Convocation ceremony. See highlights from the event, which included remarks by Princess Zahra, AKU's President, and the class valedictorians.

Join host Alykhan Peermohamed from Nairobi for part 1 of The Ismaili Update: Kenya. Along with details of Princess Zahra’s first day in Kenya, we go behind the scenes of Saturday’s convocation ceremony at the Aga Khan University.

Join us for the first episode of The Ismaili Update for this year, as we look back at the stories from the worldwide Jamat during the month of January.

Clockwise from top-left: Zainub Verjee, Naguib Kheraj, Nurjehan Aziz Vassanji, and Salim Janmohamed.

This year’s New Years Honours lists in the UK and Canada featured four Ismailis who were awarded titles and orders of chivalry for their generosity and services to others.

Eshan Lakhani started playing professional-level drums at six years of age.

Meet Eshan Lakhani, a young, passionate musician from Australia who turned the mundane beat of pots and pans into a symphony of inspiration.

Le mercredi 24 janvier dernier, le Maire du 17ème arrondissement de Paris, M. Geoffroy Boulard, a réuni autour d’un déjeuner les représentants des différents cultes de Paris afin de présenter les vœux de la mairie pour cette nouvelle année et d’échanger sur les enjeux prioritaires de chacun.

“I am determined and want to come back to my homeland and aspire to serve in the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN),” quoted Afsheen Jiwani, Campaign Director at the University Health Network in Toronto, Canada and winner of the Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100 Award Winner in the Community Impact category. This award is presented to her by the Women’s Executive Network (WXN). (WXN) a member-based organization, is North America's #1 and only organization that meaningfully propels and celebrates the advancement of professional women at all levels, in all sectors, and of all ages.

Global Encounters informe le Jamat qu'en raison du contexte actuel de conflit et d'incertitude dans certaines parties du monde, le festival Global Encounters prévu à Dubaï en 2024 est reporté. Le festival est désormais prévu pour la mi-2025 à Dubaï.

Join us for the final episode of The Ismaili Update for the year as we look back on the month of December as well as highlights from 2023.

The World Health Organization earlier this year declared the end of the covid-19 health emergency. Given the pandemic’s impact on each of our lives, one might think this would have been the standout story of 2023. As it turned out, this news came and went while other stories occupied our attention this year.

Join host Silmi Dhrolia for the latest episode of The Ismaili Update: COP28. See highlights of Prince Rahim and Prince Hussain’s visit to COP28, and find out how AKDN agencies and members of the Jamat participated in the conference.

Members of the Jamat were active participants at the UN Climate Conference this year. L to R: Qahir Dhanani; Alida Saleh; Al-Karim Govindji.

In the bustling city of Dubai, host city of this year's UN Climate Conference (COP28), a confluence of minds and ideas gathered to pave the way toward a more sustainable future. Among the diverse group of delegates, advocates, and stakeholders, members of the Jamat were active participants in helping to make progress in the field of climate action.

Le 13 décembre 2023, le Jamat de France, Belgique, Suisse et Côte d'Ivoire s'est réunit dans les différents centres de la juridiction pour célébrer le 87e Salgirah de Mawlana Hazar Imam. Cette célébration est une rélle opportunité pour les Ismailis de réfléchir au lien spirituel unique qui unit chaque murid à Mawlana Hazar Imam. Elle donne également au Jamat l'occasion d'exprimer son amour, sa loyauté et sa dévotion à l'Imamat, qui unit la communauté Ismaili.

Salgirah Khushiali Mubarak !

Join us for a special Salgirah edition of The Ismaili Update with hosts Ayaz Manji and Sahra Ahmady. See how the worldwide community is celebrating Mawlana Hazar Imam’s 87th birthday today, and learn about the gift presented to Hazar Imam on behalf of the global Jamat.

Mawlana Hazar Imam recevant un gâteau au nom du Jamat mondial à l'occasion de son 80e anniversaire.

Le 13 décembre 2023, les Ismailis du monde entier célébreront le 87e anniversaire de Mawlana Hazar Imam - l'opportunité de réfléchir au lien spirituel unique qui unit chaque murid à l'Imam du temps.