As we approach a full year of a global COVID-19 pandemic, unprecedented in recent history, for Women´s Day 2021, let us give ourselves a pat on the back.
As Eleanor Roosevelt said “Women are like teabags. We don’t know our true strength until we are in hot water”
To continue in the same vein, Women´s Activities is honoured to announce a webinar, to be conducted on the 4th of March, at 15h00 Angola time.
This special event, entitled “Empowering Women” will be led by Nadiya Manji, author of “Searching for Balance” and co-author of “Cracking the Rich Code”, a certified master practitioner in neuro-linguistic programming, as well as a transformational motivation speaker and recognized emotional intelligence coach.
Topics covered include Independence - The importance of self-nurturing, Support - creating vital support systems, Adaptation-embracing change with a powerful attitude and Resilience-Strengthening your emotional intelligence muscle.
Crossing our borders, Women´s Activities have also invited our spiritual sisters, from other jurisdictions to participate in this special event to enhance our spirit of unity and camaraderie hoping to set a precedent for future programs.
We look forward to your presence and take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Women’s Day.