Thought of the week - May 19th

The Holy month of Ramadan highlights our ethical principles. Thus, it is worth reflecting on a saying of Prophet Muhammad regarding the value of generosity.

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Mankind, the family of Allah

Prophet Muhammad’s hadith reported by Hazrat Imam Jafar al-Sadiq:

“He said: ‘Mankind is the family of God. The man whom God loves most is the one who benefits his children and brings joy to the members of his house; and for a man to walk with a brother Muslim in his hour of need is more pleasing to God than for him to sit in retreat (itikaf) for two months in the Sacred Mosque [at Mecca]’.”

Source: Al-Qadi Al-Numan, The Pillars of Islam, Da’a’im Al-Islam, translated by Asaf A. A. Fyzee, Vol II, p. 313.