With the arrival of winter, complaints about pain are more frequent. Some of the factors that contribute to the increase of pain in winter are:
-Increased tension of the muscle fibers
-Contraction of the blood vessels
-Diminished blood circulation
-Reduced joint lubrication, as mentioned above
Our muscles contract to try to increase heat production, thus intensifying the tension in the muscle fibers. The blood vessels in the peripheral region contract and direct the blood to the trunk in order to maintain a favourable temperature to our vital organs (heart, lung, brain and also the abdominal organs).
In this way, the muscles receive less blood, causing greater exposure to pain.
The cold causes the thickening of the liquid responsible for the lubrication of our joints, provoking constraint and pain throughout the arc of motion. In addition, the grey and overcast days can trigger depression.
It is estimated that in countries where winter is quite harsh and have days devoid of much light, about 10% of the population develops winter or seasonal depression.
In countries with mild winter temperatures, such as Brazil, the disease affects 1% of the population. Although the incidence of cases is higher in countries with harsh winters, it is necessary to be aware of the symptoms, especially if they are recurrent.
Therefore, we should encourage the practice of physical activity in winter, to prevent the emergence or accentuation of musculoskeletal symptoms, as well as the propensity to depressive symptoms.
Source: https://blogpilates.com.br/atividade-fisica-no-inverno/