Testemony of a student, by David Carmali.


This year a new type of Coronavirus has hit Earth. It is now pandemic and there are a lot of deaths due to it, and this led us to this long quarantine. It completely changed our daily lives: we cannot go to school, we don’t get to physically see our friends, learning is now online - we spend a lot of time in front of the screen, we need to stay home, we cannot go to Jamatkhane, to see our family, etc.

We are all scared because we don’t know much about this virus or when it will pass. Having to live like this made me feel sad because I can’t play with my friends or be with my family. I miss my normal life, going to school, being outside, feeling free and without pressure or worries if I’m too close to someone, or if I touched somewhere, having to use a mask is very uncomfortable… although I understand this for the best. We need to protect ourselves and protect the others.

Of course there are also good things! I’m spending more time with my parents and my brother, time allowed me to be more creative and to play more games, and to do things I usually don’t have time to. I’m having lots of fun playing with my family and I’m very happy because I’m developing my drawing skills!

Now it seems that Coronavirus is being a little easier to control and normal life is getting closer. We need to be patient and careful because we don’t want to get back to confinement.  Remember to always wash your hands, cough or sneeze to your elbow, maintain the social distance of 2m. And hopefully soon we will have our normal life again!
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Article written by David Hassam Carmali

About David: David is a 3rd grade student that loves football, music and reading. When he’s not at school he occupies his time learning how to play the guitar and improving his football skills.

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