- My Golden Time Seixal
"Olfactory memory" was the theme proposed by Sandra Barradas in the usual My Golden Time program, which took place on June 17th. Our brain keeps countless memories. When it is activated by an external stimulus, in this case the aroma, the brain triggers a neurological reaction associating this fact with important events in our life.
For many years scientists have explored the link between memory loss and the difficulty of identifying different odours.
Olfactory memory is linked to the physiological mechanisms of emotions.
- My Golden Events
On the June 18th, the usual session of My Golden Events was held, with the theme: "How to respond to challenges in the 3rd and 4th age". The aging of the population represents one of the main phenomena of the Portuguese society. Active aging appears as a new paradigm to respond to this phenomenon, being characterized by three fundamental assumptions: health, social participation and security. Therefore, seniors were provided with some tools to exercise their mind and to maintain their longevity in a healthy way.
- IT Session
In the current context, in which technology has played a fundamental role in the lives of the population and especially seniors, Elderly Care promoted the first session of the program “ABC Informática”, which took place on June 19, for seniors in Lisbon and Oeiras.
Seixal seniors continue to participate in IT sessions every Tuesday.
- Elderly Gym Class
Senior gym classes take place on Tuesdays and Fridays, in Lisbon and Oeiras, and on Saturdays, in Seixal. In addition to the gym sessions via Zoom, seniors have been performing stretching exercises three times a week, through a WhatsApp group created for the purpose, in synergy with Youth & Sports.
Yoga classes take place on Wednesdays, also via WhatsApp, for every senior Jamat.
Seniors (+60) who want to participate in the mentioned programs can contact the following Elderly Care members:
- Shelina Amade: (Lisbon) 968 385 002
- Salima Sadrudin: (Seixal) 933 080 185
- Farida Nurali: (Oeiras) 960 400 250