On May 2nd, Shainoor Khoja was in Seixal to share with the seniors some of her experiences during her time working in regions of great challenges, such as Afghanistan.


In 2003, Shainoor Khoja went to Afghanistan as director of the "Roshan Community", the social branch of "Roshan", a telecommunications provider founded by the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development.

Her initial role was to set up a health clinic for the company's employees, but she quickly realized that "Roshan" could have a much bigger impact in supporting the Afghan population.

She stepped up outreach to provide food and clothing for street children, built playgrounds and computer labs for young students, and helped convince women to work at "Roshan" by promoting a common culture and ensuring that women were respected.

One of Shainoor's greatest achievements at that time was to create a telemedicine system, with the aim of doctors and nurses from hospitals in Afghanistan getting training from specialists outside the country.

The session ended with a moment of physical exercise.