Entrepreneurship is a mindset, which can be applied to help create and access opportunities in the fields of business, employment, and strategic deployment of one’s skills, whatever they may be. 


Humanity has survived and thrived on this beautiful planet for thousands of years, despite natural disasters, pandemics, wars, economic crises and more. One of the most powerful gifts each one of us has been blessed with is the power of hope and creativity. Today, we find ourselves in the midst of a challenging time that requires us to consciously draw upon these gifts, so that we can navigate our way and provide for our families despite what appears to be wells that may be drying up before our eyes. The good news is that for every well that dries up, a new well awaits to be discovered.

This is where, the spirit of entrepreneurship, which has served our ancestors and the Jamat well over the past century, needs to be given serious consideration. Entrepreneurship does not necessarily mean building big businesses requiring vast amounts of capital. Entrepreneurship is a mindset that enables us to seek and create new opportunities that can offer more options for resource creation. Therefore, entrepreneurship is something we should all consider, regardless of whether we are engaged in the field of service and employment or business. Even when one applies for a job, one seeks to market oneself as best as possible to secure the opportunity at hand. That too is being entrepreneurial. In today’s climate, where job opportunities in traditional sectors are scarce, we need to take stock of all our skills – whatever they may be. We must never underestimate the value of our skills. They are our assets that can be leveraged to create new opportunities or access markets we may not have considered thus far.  For every skill one has, there is someone out there that may be willing to pay a price for it. Therefore, we have every reason to be hopeful and positive about the future, if we are confident and willing to have an open mind about creating and harnessing new opportunities.

In this regard, the Economic Advisory team of Spain plans to hold a webinar to address simple approaches to entrepreneurship and consider specific opportunities that may be currently available for the Jamat to consider. We will explore certain actions and ideas that existing businesses and entrepreneurs can consider in terms of managing during a time of uncertainty and ambiguity. We will dig deeper into ideas revolving around resources, distribution channels and cost structures to understand risk minimization during this time. We will also look at currently, how different companies and industries have adapted their business models and strategies during this time to spark some ideas and conversations as to how the Jamat can take these models and apply them to their own individual context.