“Sometimes, when she approached Him, she felt a tear in her days, a flash in her purpose and a thunder in her sense of becoming. The song of the His path hummed in her footsteps, even as she fell asleep”,
Forever dedicated to writing, Sara Venturini won the Bocage Poetry Prize 2008 (LASA) with Manuel Maria's Os Desnortes. In prose, she published two novels - A Gaiola dos Periquitos and O Grupo de Colares - and two books of chronicles and short stories - O Persa e outros contos, Chronicles and Outbursts and the very recent Folhas de Chá (which has six contributions from the art of Paulo Damião).
This latest work of hers will be presented at the Multipurpose Hall of the Ismaili Center, Lisbon - by the hand of the writer Luis Filipe Sarmento - on Saturday, December 4th, at 5:30pm..
Come give your support to our dear writer!