Rádio Miúdos's mission is to give children’s a voice, empower them children to be responsible and conscious citizens of the world from an early age by enhancing thinking skills and active participation.
Promotes independence, interaction with other children from different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. Children have an opportunity to interview other kids and adults including important personalities. They feel as they are reaching to the whole world and their voice is being heard. These children grow up to be more fulfilled as they learn and develop interpersonal skills allowing them to be tolerant and attentive participants in the world and taking other’s needs in consideration.
L., age 13: I like to participate in Rádio Miúdos “because it's a different thing, lots of kids don’t have such opportunity, it is cool do the radio programs and activities with friends! Besides, it is like speaking to people all over the world, people who are really eager to listen, it is a responsibility I like to take on."
L., 12 years: I like to participate in Rádio Miúdos "so far I've learned a lot not only about myself but also about everything and everyone. I've met a lot of people with whom I became friends. I can do lots of things that otherwise wouldn’t be possible and finally because it’s fun and an original idea."
Through comments and feedback received, we realized that we have been raising awareness about the importance of listening to children, especially at mapping and evaluation levels rather than at activities that are invariably proposed and designed solely by adults. And in addition, to hear about their thoughts related to future and their present surroundings.
We have also learned that this is an experience that supports school work as it allows to develop academic and working skills simultaneously and reinforces its practical application. This application in a real context makes it more meaningful and brings children closer to willingness to learn and participate, as reported by parents, teachers and students.
A., age 12: "I'm more demanding with myself when it comes to research"
Grade 6 Portuguese and history teacher says: "Students are much more at will and take the initiative to move forward whenever there is a challenging situation"
Mother of 8-year-old B.: "B. is much more interested in what is happening around the world."
Portuguese teacher, regarding a 6th grader who participates in the school radio: "He doesn’t attend classes but never misses his radio sessions and ends up working the class content anyways."
We believe that the key is to value individual strength and cooperate together as a team, to help each other for several reasons: 80% of our children are going to have jobs that don't yet exist (World Bank data); the world is constantly and rapidly changing, due to unforeseen events, such as what we are living currently, because a citizen is not born at the age of 18, not to mention the academic skills we learn at school, it is important to promote human values and interpersonal skills. There are ten major interpersonal skills classified by the World Economic Forum and more than 50% are developed just by actively participating at Rádio Miúdos: Critical thinking, creative thinking, teamwork, conflict resolution, open communication, decision-making. Adding to these, independence, self-confidence, self-esteem and tolerance are boost directly or indirectly.
C., age 12: I like being involved with Rádio Miúdos "I think it is a great opportunity and I have lots of fun too. I learned to do new things and made new friends. I’ve improved public speaking something I wasn't very good at."
A., 11 years old: "I learned to work in teams because if there isn’t agreement it will not please the listeners"
M., 10 years: "It is very important to pass your message clearly so everyone understands"
R., 13 years old: "Rádio Miúdos has given me several opportunities I wouldn’t have had otherwise, I have gained lots of knowledge not only related to radio but also pertaining to my day-to-day life"
Other children’s comments to the question "What have you learned with Rádio Miúdos?”: "To be more organized”, "To respect other people’s likes and dislikes", "Public speaking", "search new websites for information”, "I’ve learned to use the internet better and to make the most of it", "talking to the whole world".
The experiment of ideas, techniques, reaching to others, creating and even experiencing environments, community intervention and alternative approach to curriculum through the radio, allows children to understand the scope of what they are learning in school, and how far their voice and ideas can reach.
We have learned that Rádio Miúdos has a huge impact on children. Over this period of 3 years, maybe more, with radio workshops and live broadcasts in schools and others place, involving more than 5000 children aged between 5 and 15 years old, has shown that they feel important when working with machines, microphones and buttons. They feel thrilled to the prospect of inventing a program and recording it. To hear their own voice diffused. To transform a text in a program and how to edit, how to conduct an interview and so much more.
Based on these experiences we have created the School-Radios pedagogical project which consists in helping schools implement and maintain their own radios.
Rádio Miúdos has a multidisciplinary team of adults (teachers, journalists, pediatricians, psychologist, musicians and writers, audiovisual professionals, among others) and has more than 30 kids aged.
between 7 and 17 who broadcast live, from Monday through Friday, between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm, where they have fun and learn how to make radio, from pre-production to broadcast, from recording to editing including their very own and original programs. They have regional and worldwide counter-partners.
Among its partners are the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the School Library Network, the Institute for Child Support, the European Investment Bank Institute, the PUBLIC newspaper and the VdA.
RÁDIO MIÚDOS can be listening on www.radiomiudos.pt or in the app, 24/7.
From home, over the internet or from your phone, Kids from all over the world, who speak Portuguese (even if it's just a bit), are encourage to tune to this radio station. Parents, teachers, grandparents, artists, all those who identify with its mission are welcome to tune in as well. Write, call or leave a voice message and from there the possibilities are endless!
"I just wanted to say that you guys have been heroes, both announcers and listeners and I just wanted to thank you for continuing with the radio programs during these weird times, it means a lot."
M., 15 years old, during COVID-19 quarantine
Veronica Miracles, Founder and Radio CEO