Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad: “Truly with hardship comes ease” (Qur’an, 94:5) 


Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad: “Truly with hardship comes ease” (Qur’an, 94:5) which teaches us always to see the good side amidst misfortune and to have hope. He also received these inspired words: “Be patient, for God’s promise is true; ask forgiveness for your sin and glorify the praise of your Lord in the evening and in the early hours” (40:55).

This highlights the importance of practising patience and humility, while asking for divine protection. But the Qur’an also teaches us to be active and take decisions (mostly to improve our character and our actions): "God does not change what is in a people until they change what is in themselves” (13:11), meaning that we have the responsibility as to how we react to things and which way we choose.


About the author

Dr. Omar Ali-de-Unzaga, IIS - Deputy Head of the Department of Academic Research and Publications.