Message from the President of the Local Council for Angola

My Dearest Brothers and Sister,

On behalf of the Angolan Council and Institutions, on this Navroz, I wish you all a heartfelt Navroz Mubarak!

Navroz marks the beginning of spring, it can also be also a time of spiritual renewal and physical rejuvenation. It is a time for us to be grateful for all the blessings we have from our beloved Hazar Imam. Let us come together in spirit on Navroz, a time of peace, love, happiness and, this year in particular, hope.
The current global situation has disrupted our lives, and the lives of our brothers and sisters around the world. Temporarily suspending our Jamatkhanas was the most difficult decision for all of us, we urge you all to hold on to our faith at a time like this. Complying with the national authorities recommendations is important, for the security and good health of our Jamat and the community in which we live. 

Hope is a key word in these challenging times, we hope for many things around us to improve, we pray for the improvement of global health, for our brothers and sisters from around the world to keep safe and healthy. We also pray for the good health and safety of our Mawlana Hazar Imam and the Noorani Family.

I urge you all to continue to look after one another while practicing social distancing. Reach out to our families and those in our Jamat who are vulnerable. Keep in touch with one another through technology that is available. Know that we, as the Local Council and Institutions are still here to serve and support you. We will be consistently communicating to the Jamat as it is moment like this which require that extra effort so that we do not become isolated.

I pray that our unity and brotherhood will stand through these challenging times.
With the grace of our beloved Hazar Imam, I am sure that we will overcome these difficult moments and soon be together our Jamatkhanas.