Created on April 26, 2016, the Coro Ismaili de Portugal, divided into two groups (polyphonic and maiter groups), focuses on the promotion and interpretation of devotional music, mainly Sufi. But it also seeks to preserve Indian culture, which is a significant part of the community's DNA in Portugal, and to celebrate Portuguese culture.
Over these almost 7 years of life, both the Maiter Choir and the Polyphonic Choir have participated in numerous external events, in which they represented our community very well, as well as in internal events. Special mention should be made of the XXVII Meeting of Coral Groups for Retired and Elderly People from the Municipality of Sintra, the Mértola International Festival, Canto pela Paz,
Open Gardens, the celebrations of Gandhi's centenary, as well as the International Talent Showcase of Jubilee Arts, in 2018, where they performed for thousands of people.
Certainly, with the pandemic, we had to adapt and reinvent ourselves, using digital means to maintain rehearsals, and cohesion among the group.
But behold, 2023 arrives! We are ready and we have twice as much energy because countless events await us, such as the 25th anniversary celebrations of the Ismaili Center, Sparks of Talent, preparation for Jubilee Arts among many other celebrations and events.
We want to grow in size, in repertoire and expand our horizons. We want to sing with other choirs, and we want to be able to perform in more events, and have more outstanding presences in Jamati events.
And we want you to join us!
If you like to sing, but are afraid, why not come and watch one of our rehearsals? You don't even need to have any musical experience! Contact us!
Polyphonic Group (16 - 64 years old):
- Hussein Kassamo: + 351 961 968 928
- Salima Guiga: +351 962 907485
Maiter Group (65 > years old):
- Shelina Amad (Lisbon): (+351) 968 385 002
- Gulssan Bangy (Lisbon): (+351) 964 113 640
- Meru Bhanji (Seixal): (+351) 933 146 764
- Farida Vali (Oeiras): (+351) 960 400250