It's time to get our life back. It's time to look ahead. It's time to get over it!


Conquering, in this case, means overcoming and regaining control of our lives. Because, actually, with the pandemic, we lost control, we lost confidence, we gained fear and constant uncertainty.

It's time to regain that control. It's time to recover.

Our seniors were very affected; many families were forced to move away for a while. We are all becoming aware of the psychological wounds caused by this pandemic. So let's talk about the future.

Healing these psychological wounds is the challenge we have. For that, we need to regain confidence in tomorrow, not allowing fear to paralyze us.
How? Talking. Living together. Resuming our daily activities.

It is essential to return to some social spaces and group activities.

Just as wounds heal faster when we take care of them, we can also deal with the fear that came with the past. Just talk about it. Turn it into a scar and not a wound that won't allow us to move forward. The more we talk about what we feel, the more we share experiences and activities together, the more energy we will get to overcome ourselves.

Conquering confidence in the new present, and near future, starts by observing our own reactions and behaviour very well: looking at the "scars" in the face, realizing how much our daily life has changed and the true effects of this change in our behaviours and thoughts and, finally, decide how we are going to continue with quality of life and well-being.

Let us learn from the negativity of the past to look positively to the future.