Ya Ali Madad
I am Rafiq Allana Penwala, originally from Karachi. I have lived in Madrid for 14 years, since 2001. Between 2005 and 2009 I was Kamadia of Madrid jamat. I am married to Munira Allana, who has also had the privilege of serving as a Kamadiani at the jamat in Madrid.
Due to work circumstances we moved to London and since 2017 we are working in the East Surrey Hospital, which belongs to the Public Health System (NHS), caring for patients in the area of senile dementia, in my case, and in the area of rehabilitation, in Munira's case.
Following the pandemic, in March this year the intensive care unit required more staff and I have been supporting this unit ever since. This activity has allowed me to reinforce and put into practice our values of compassion, care and affection for patients.
When I was assigned to care for Covid patients, I was afraid, I do not deny it. But our professional ethics demand that we care for them. Our faith gives us courage and we see it as an opportunity to serve, to relieve pain and suffering. We are humbled and grateful for the blessings of Mawlana Hazar Imam in these difficult times. And, of course, we make sure to take every possible precaution.
Today we are deeply satisfied to do this work when it is most needed.