Hazrat Ali and his family

One day, Hazrat Ali and Bibi Fatima, along with their children Hazrat Hasan and Hazrat Husayn, were ready to have their meal.

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They were very hungry as they had not eaten much that day. Just when Bibi Fatima was about to serve the meal to her family, there was a loud knock on the door. As they opened the door, they thought it was the Prophet. However, it was a stranger who looked feeble and ill, who asked for some food. Hazrat Ali and his family had never turned anyone away from their door. They led the poor stranger inside and gave him their food.

The following day, just as they were about to eat, there was a knock at the door once more. They wondered who it could be. To their surprise, it was a young orphan boy who had not eaten for two days asking for food. They invited the poor boy inside and gave him their food.

On the third day, there was yet another knock at the door. This time, it was a helpless prisoner standing in the doorway, begging for some food. They fed him as well. They would feed the needy irrespective of who he was, even if they had even a little food in their house.

The next day, Prophet Muhammad received a revelation about his family. God was very pleased with them. He said: “And they feed with food the needy, the orphan and the prisoner, for the love of Allah.” (76:8)

Taking inspiration from the above story, let us also extend our help, support and prayers for others in this challenging time.  This way we are practising our faith as it is also about practising our ethics in our day to day life.

Source: Institute of Ismaili Studies, Our Early History, London: Islamic Publications Limited.