A fresh new day

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O Allah,

to You belongs praise
for the sky You have split into dawn for us,
giving us to enjoy thereby the brightness of daytime,
showing us sought-after nourishments,
and protecting us from the striking of misfortune.

In the morning we and all things,
every one, rise for You,
the heaven and the earth
and what You have scattered in each,
the still and the moving,
the resident and the journeying,
what towers up in the air
and what hides under the ground.

We rise in the morning in Your grasp:
Your kingdom and authority contain us
and Your will embraces us.
We move about by Your command
and turn this way and that through Your governing.
We own nothing…of the good
except what You have given.
This is a fresh, new day,
over us a ready witness…

Source: Selections from Al Sahifa Al Sajjadiya,; Secondary Curriculum  Muslim Devotional and Ethical Literature.