This week, Prince Hussain visited the exhibition at the Ismaili Centre and offered tours to special guest attendees, including Sylvia Earle, to whom the exhibition is dedicated.
Ms Earle is an oceanographer and explorer known for her research about oceans, and for her books and documentaries produced to raise awareness of the threats that overfishing and pollution pose to our planet's bodies of water.
“Treat nature as if your life depends on it,” The 86-year-old Ms Earle has been quoted as saying. “Recognize it, and then do something about it.”
She is a pioneer in the use of modern, self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) and the development of deep-sea submersibles. Ms Earle also holds the world record for the deepest untethered dive, at 381 metres.
During their visit to the Ismaili Centre, Prince Hussain and Ms Earle shared stories of their dives, and of unexpected encounters with turtles and whales. Ms Earle was impressed by the photographs in the exhibition, and urged Prince Hussain to continue his valuable work to spread awareness of the importance of protecting marine life.
Fragile Beauty is on display at the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon, until 27 July 2022. More information here.