The Youth & Sports portfolio has been organizing various sporting activities for the Jamat.

Activities such as Football, Volleyball, Zumba and cricket take place regularly in various spaces.

On the 2 nd of June another football tournament was held with around 40 players. On the 10 th , there was a cricket game in which more than 50 people, from children to adults, got together for a moment of fun.Volleyball continues to take place 2 to 4 times a week.

The advantages of physical exercise, in all aspects of each one of our lives, and its contribution to physical and psychological well-being are evident. In addition to the benefits for physical health, physical activity has a fundamental impact on psychological health, both in a broader context of everyday life, but also in the specific professional context.

For more information, please contact Sub Members Adil Jiwa and
Karim Mardani.