Farhad Daftary's book, A Short History of the Ismailis: Traditions of a Muslim Community, is translated into Spanish.



Farhad Daftary, A Brief History of the Ismailis. Traditions of a Muslim community, trad., Yasmin Allibhoy, Akal publishing house (2015, Madrid).

Until recently, the Ismailis, a Shiʿi Muslim community with a long and rich history, was studied primarily from texts written by anti-ismaili authors, including Sunni polemicists or Crusader chroniclers. As a result, a great number of legends were spread around Ismaili teachings and practices. The study of Ismailism began to turn around in the 1930s, with the recovery of an important corpus of Ismaili texts previously unknown, which were preserved in private collections.

This book collects the results of current research on the great events of Ismaili history and doctrines, placing the Ismailis in the larger context of Islamic history and Shiʿi thought. It provides a critical examination of historiography and many relevant sources. It covers the most important events of the main phases of Ismaili history, such as the formative period, the Fatimid and Ismaili golden age, the Alamut and post-Alamut periods. It also deals with schisms that have occurred within Ismailism, as well as Ismaili most recent history.
