Dancing is one of the most suitable physical activities for seniors, because it activates physical movements, corrects body posture, stimulates cognitive skills such as concentration, memory, creativity and maintains emotional well-being.


We all have experienced and know the effects of positive and negative emotions on our behaviour and our physical and mental well-being.

We often feel emotions about what is going on around us and with ourselves. Sometimes we feel joy, sometimes we feel sad, and sometimes we feel anger and fear.

We all feel at some point “butterflies in the stomach” or “chicken skin”. These popular expressions clearly translate how emotions are felt in a physical level. But if some physical changes can benefit from the proper functioning of our body, others, such as increased heart rate or intestinal dysregulation, can negatively influence our immune system and favour the entry of viruses and bacteria.

When we are doing “things” that we like, that give us satisfaction, we are also activating positive physiological reactions, which will influence the body's production of protective substances.

But the opposite is also true, that is, when we do "things" that cause us discomfort and deep frustration/irritation, we are activating the excessive production of some substances that impair the functioning of our more sensitive organs, such as, for example, bowel, respiratory system, cardiovascular system (or others).

For this reason, it is very important, especially for seniors, to balance their day-to-day activities with playful activities and good relationships, such as dancing, watching musical shows or participating in artistic expression activities. In this way, we are ensuring a better physical and mental functioning.

Dancing is one of the most suitable physical activities for seniors, because it activates physical movements, corrects body posture, stimulates cognitive skills such as concentration, memory (alignment of dance steps), creativity, and maintains emotional well-being.
Dancing is essentially allowing the body and soul to talk to the beat of the music.