The Aga Khan Health Services (AKHS) is one of three agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) that support activities in health. The others are the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and the Aga Khan University (AKU). Together, the three agencies provide quality healthcare to five million people annually and work closely on planning, training and resource development. AKHS also works with the Aga Khan Education Services (AKES) and the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) on the integration of health issues into specific projects.

AKHS is organised into national service companies in Afghanistan, India, Kenya, Kygyzstan, Pakistan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, and Uganda. The Head Office is located within the Delegation of the Aga Khan Development Network in Gouvieux, France and at AKDN offices in Geneva, Switzerland, co-ordinates the activities of the service companies through five-year plans, ten-year projections, annual budget submissions, and the provision of technical assistance. They are also linked internationally through network-wide strategies for regional geographies, such as Central Asia and East Africa, as well as in human resource development, hospital management, nursing development, and primary healthcare. 

While strengthening its institutions and the links between them, each health service company also joins government health services and other providers in building effective national health systems. The number of AKDN (AKHS + AKU) hospitals and health units is:

  • 15 hospitals
  • 451 health centres:
    • 234 phlebotomy centres
    • 173 BHCs (Basic Health Centres)
    • 16 diagnostic centres
    • 13 CHCs (Comprehensive Health Centres)
    • 11 secondary hospitals
    • 4 tertiary hospitals
