We have yet another fantastic exhibition to present to you at the Ismaili Centre Exhibition Hall. On October 27th, from 5:30pm, the opening of the exhibition “Two generations & the dance of feelings” will take place, with a wonderful moment of dance and movement! Find out all the details.


The young Ivone Gaipi sculpts from the soul, dances life in her emotions, transmitting in her works the touch of skin, color and the movement of feeling through her creativity and ease of expression through her works.

At the age of 44, more than two hundred people have had the experience of creating a sculpture with their own body, combined with an immense symbolic component.

In “Two generations & the dance of feelings” Ivone shows bodies in movement that get involved with the painting of plastic artist Rafaela Silva.

Rafaela Silva, born in Angola but with roots in the Azores, who likes people, nature, tribes, different cultures and who, throughout her life, has travelled to different continents, will, for this reason, present us with such a rich diversity in her paintings. Rafaela makes the connection between human and spiritual emotions, with principles of ecology and sustainability.

The artist privileges colours, contact with nature, natural materials, the colours of the earth.

Her most recent works have gained special prominence in the natural pigments that will be presented in our exhibition, resulting from mineral origin, due to the depth of shine they give to her painting.

Rafaela has already won several international medals as well as many international certificates in Barcelona, Switzerland, Italy, Dubai, Denmark, among others, as well as a silver medal at the Sala International of S.Brás Aportel painting in Portugal 2015.

The choreographer and dancer Joana Completo will elevate the artists' art, combining the beauty of the body's movement with moments of art, where the sculptures and some of her paintings will represent emotions in a real world.

The Dance of Feeling: art of painting, sculpture and dance, a moment not to be missed in the magnificent Exhibition Hall of the Ismaili Centre.

The exhibition will be open from the October 27th to November 12th. On October 27th, the opening of the exhibition will take place, with a special moment of dancing and other surprises. Don’t miss this opportunity!