Dare to dream!
Awaken your talent!


It is Mawlana Hazar Imam’s wish that an environment is created, within the community, that truly cherishes, promotes, and celebrates art and culture as they are key vehicles for the understanding and acceptance of our diversity, and for celebrating the pluralism that is an integral part of our DNA as a strong and cohesive community.

Jubilee Arts seeks to respond to this longing of Mawlana Hazar Imam by creating a space that cultivates, develops and promotes the different cultural traditions of the Jamat and gives opportunities to all Ismaili artists to share their art, crossing different cultures and countries.
But this celebration starts long before we get to the Global Encounters Festival: it starts "at home"!
Portugal Arts Festival calls out to all artists!

Whether you’re a young or a seasoned artist, everyone is part of this great celebration of Art and Culture.

There are 3 major categories in which you can participate. Within those categories, you have a myriad of sub-categories within which you can choose to submit your work:

When and how will this process take place?

We are officially launching the campaign for the Global Encounters Festival on July 8, 2023.

From that moment on, you have until September 3rd to tell us if you are going to participate. You have about two months - between July 8th and September 3rd – to think about, plan and execute your piece of art.

You must tell us by September 3rd if you are going to participate, and by September 10th to send in your submission (whether it’s video, photo, canvas, or other format within the above categories).

We will have a panel of independent judges who will look at all submissions and ensure that they meet all the defined criteria.

This selection should be completed by 17th of September.

In October, we will all meet - in person or virtually - for a big celebration of all our artists!

During the festival weekend, full of art and culture, our jury will make a second selection to choose the artists who will represent the Portuguese jurisdiction at the Global Encounters Festival.

What are the basic criteria for all submissions?

All submitted content should be appropriate for audiences of all ages. 

Examples of images and messages that are not accepted:

  • Images of the Imams or Mawlana Hazar Imam's family Personal Standard of Mawlana Hazar Imam, Imamat Crest, Ismaili Flag, Nashid al-Imamah, Taj, Volunteer Badge, Jubilee Logos, AKDN and other Institutional logos  
  • Clear images of children (under 18) without the documented consent of a parent or legal guardian  
  • Foul or offensive images or language (e.g., nudity, excessive violence, sexually suggestive images or language, profanity)  
  • Subliminal messages to inappropriate or offensive statements  
  • Sexually suggestive or other provocative dance moves  
  • Content that has implied meanings/messages that are deemed inappropriate  

This is not a complete list. The National Council may establish additional parameters for content deemed inappropriate that is not on the above list. The Portugal Arts Festival organizing team reserves the right and sole discretion to deny entry to the Festival to any submission that (1) does not meet the standards of high quality and excellence or (2) does not meet any of its policies or submission guidelines.


You can download the rules for the Portugal Arts Festival here.

Let us know here if you will be part of the Portugal Arts Festival.

We will reach out to you as soon as possible!