On August 18 and 19,650 members of the Midwest Jamat and neighboring communities of Chicago, Glenview, Milwaukee and Naperville, collaborated with Illinois' Feed My Starving Children to prepare and pack nutritionally complete meals for malnourished children around the world. In six hours, this group of volunteers was able to pack over 155,000 meals, enough to provide food for 420 children for a full year.


This event was sponsored by Jesse White, the Illinois Secretary of State, Feed My Starving Children, and I-CERV (Ismaili Community Engaged in Responsible Volunteering). The Secretary  remarked: “One of my mottos is to do something good for someone each day and I’m glad to see that the Midwest Ismaili community is doing just that. I commend the work you are doing to help those in need.”

The event brought together volunteers ranging from three to 80 years of age. Packing stations were organized at random, blending together members of extended families, colleges and the elderly. Volunteers had the chance to meet new people while engaging in friendly competition, with nearby stations, to pack the most meals in the allotted time. 

Many volunteers were inspired to participate after learning about the grave situations faced by young children in impoverished countries as a result of having insufficient food. Others could relate to the cause, having experienced poverty and malnourishment as children themselves.

All left with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude after spending their weekend with Feed My Starving Children. The volunteers looked forward to participate in a similar event in the future.