The Ismaili Council for Southwestern USA President Murad Ajani and the Ismaili Council for United Kingdom Vice President Farhad Mawani, hosted Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner at the Ismaili Centre, where Turner toured the facility and met with representatives from various AKDN agencies active in infrastructure development, education, poverty alleviation, and cultural preservation. During the meetings, the Mayor spoke of the “ethics of volunteerism that he has witnessed in the activities and work of the Ismailis in Texas, and which are as alive and vibrant here, at the Centre in London.”
Mayor Turner is in Europe for a series of meetings and conferences related to world affairs and economic opportunities, and will be visiting multiple cities with his delegation. Following his tour of the Centre, the Mayor called the Centre a “world class building that incorporates both prayer and community needs,” and that he was particularly impressed by the “incorporation of beautiful green spaces and water features in an urban building.”
The Ismaili Centres are symbolic markers of the permanent presence and core values of Ismaili communities around the world. Incorporating spaces for social and cultural gatherings, intellectual engagement and reflection, as well as spiritual contemplation – they are bridges of friendship and understanding, and serve to enhance relationships among faith communities, government and civil society.
Currently, there are six Ismaili Centres around the globe – in London, Lisbon, Dubai, Dushanbe, Burnaby, and Toronto. Sites have been identified in Houston, Texas, and Los Angeles, California for potential future Ismaili Centres, to be built upon the approval of Mawlana Hazar Imam.