Diamond Lalani was engaged as a Consultant and Advisor by AKTC, AKUHN and UCA to contribute his extensive expertise and global experience in capacity building and best practices. He served on these TKN assignments over a span of more than 7 years as a full time volunteer.

Volunteer Name: Diamond Lalani

Locations: 13 countries (Central Asia, SE Asia, Africa, Middle East, Canada, Europe)

Duration of Assignments: 7 years and 4 months combined (Aga Khan Trust for Culture – AKTC; University of Central Asia – UCA; Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi – AKUHN)

Key Tasks and Impact made:

  • AKTC: Established and fully operationalized internal audit functions with charters, standards, methodology, tools and best practices; undertook recruitment and engagement of additional TKN volunteers for audits; implemented management audits; developed compliance management system with self-assessment mechanisms; formalized risk management with structured process, templates, risk profiles, reporting; enhanced policies and procedures for financial, human resources, information technology and operations management; and, headed the internal audit function.
  • UCA: Established and fully operationalized internal audit functions with charters, standards, methodology, tools and best practices; undertook recruitment of additional TKN volunteers for audits; implemented management audits; and provided guidance and support to head of internal audit.
  • AKUHN: Coordinated and implemented merger of newly acquired radiology diagnostic centres: integration of systems, processes and standards; staffing, capacity building, best practices and business planning.
  • Hunza Women’s Enterprise Group: Created awareness about importance of cost-effectiveness in business and retirement planning and motivated enterprise group to build future savings.
  • ​Diamond Lalani was engaged as a Consultant and Advisor by AKTC, AKUHN and UCA to contribute his extensive expertise and global experience in capacity building and best practices. He served on these TKN assignments over a span of more than 7 years as a full time volunteer.

His assignment responsibilities included managing professionals and specialists, providing advice to senior management, implementing management audits and promoting best practices. Diamond supported his host institutions in the recruitment of TKN volunteers from different countries and guiding these volunteers in conducting on-site audits.

In addition, Diamond provided valuable input to the TKN Central Office (TCO) in defining assignment roles for TKN volunteers he recruited and interpreting terms of reference from other institutions for audit assignments. He also conducted workshops on savings and retirement planning in the Middle East and Kyrgyzstan and on business cost-effectiveness and savings in Hunza.

Diamond worked in 13 countries with diverse cultures and languages, varying management styles, different commercial environments and laws and regulations, difficult security situations and travel challenges. During these assignments, he worked with several professionals and experts, met many wonderful people and established several long lasting friendships in different countries. He remains passionate about promoting management audits in AKDN agencies and their operating entities.

When Diamond first heard about the opportunity to offer his TKN service during the Golden Jubilee, he was very excited to make this commitment. His aspiration at that time was to contribute his extensive experience and expertise to AKDN and Jamati Institutions. These experiences far surpassed his original expectations because he served in the culture, health care and university sectors in areas including conservation projects, parks, academic institutions and radiology diagnostic centres.

Diamond says that “this entire experience has been truly priceless. It has not only provided me with ongoing professional development and personal growth but it has been a life changing experience for me and my family, which cannot be sufficiently described in words. This outstanding opportunity was indeed a blessing for us”

Diamond is most grateful to management and staff at the AKDN Agencies where he was engaged and to everyone else he interacted with, including other TKN volunteers and the TCO, for this wonderful opportunity of sharing and learning.