Texte anglais The Tariqah Board reminds you that 2 camps will be held this autumn (content delivered in French only) :
- Camp Connexion for 6-11 year-olds, from 28 till 31 october. The topic will be horses in Islam, with an introduction to horse riding. All included package, from Paris: €200. Enrol your child here: https://bit.ly/3S9rRi3
- Camp Mosaic for 12 to 17 year olds, from 21 to 24 october. The main topic is Muslim ruled Spain. The trip will take place in Andalusia where your child will be able to visit major sites as the Alhambra and the Mosque Cathedral of Cordoba, and admire Islam's architectural beauties. All included package, from Paris: €325. To register your child: https://bit.ly/4d19LXz
Registration deadline for both camps: 10th September