NASA Public Affairs Officer tells the world about space exploration expeditions.


Nilufar Ramji moderating a NASA press conference carried on CNN, following the landing of the first commercial American mission on the Moon.
Nilufar Ramji moderating a NASA press conference carried on CNN, following the landing of the first commercial American mission on the Moon.

In NASA's realm of exploration, Nilufar Ramji stands out as Lead Public Affairs Officer for Moon to Mars at NASA's Johnson Space Center, serving as a vital link between humanity and the cosmos. From her upbringing, rooted in a family that embraced limitless love and ambition and influenced by the rich cultures of India and Kinshasa, to Toronto, where her journey began, to ‘Space City’ Houston, her current home, Nilufar’s journey has been a masterclass in resilience, diligence, and a spirit of generosity.

Nilufar's academic pursuits led her to Carleton University in Ottawa, where she initially explored law, only to realize that her true passion lay elsewhere. This moment of clarity was not a setback but a pivotal turning point, guiding her to shine at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, where her role in public affairs and strategic communication transcends mere storytelling, bridging disparate worlds and intertwining the silent stretch of space into stories that resonate universally.

"Transparency, quality, fairness, and diversity of thought are all important to me. People come from different experiences that broaden our perspective," Nilufar reflected. This philosophy has steered her career, blending her skills in communication, strategic planning, and public engagement to highlight the role of diversity and inclusion in space exploration.

Her remarkable journey from the confines of international diplomacy to the forefront of space exploration has been a testament to the power of dreams, diversity, and storytelling. When Nilufar stood on the TEDx stage, unveiling her discourse on "Storytelling from Space," it manifested a dream realized, a shared victory for everyone who supported her. "Words cannot describe how grateful I am for each of you – I have grown with this experience and have you to thank!" while implying the deep connection between growth and gratitude in every significant success.


Hiking through southern Iceland looking at ancient lava formations.
Hiking through southern Iceland looking at ancient lava formations.

Raised with a strong emphasis on education and community service, Nilufar's early experiences, including a formative 4th-grade speech contest, laid the groundwork for her passion for communication. Despite facing challenges like the 2008 economic downturn and a government hiring freeze, she used these obstacles as opportunities to reconnect with her volunteering roots. This period of reflection and a seemingly mundane administrative position led to a pivotal opportunity with the Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat in Ottawa. Through this three-month contract in public affairs, Nilufar uncovered a deep-seated passion for communication, setting the stage for her future endeavors and guiding her toward a path of significant professional development.

As a proponent of diversity and inclusion, Nilufar plays a pivotal role in NASA's Artemis campaign, reflecting the program's commitment to inclusivity by aiming to land the first woman and person of color on the Moon. "Being one of the storytellers behind the first woman and person of color landing on the Moon is something I take pride in," she says, highlighting the power of inclusive narratives to inspire broader ambitions and deeper reach among future explorers.

Through her contributions to significant missions like Peregrine Mission One and Intuitive Machines IM-1 Mission, Nilufar invites the world to witness the dawn of a new era in lunar exploration. Her insights on the Artemis campaign and her active role in shaping the narrative of space exploration emphasize a future of human exploration defined by equity and accessibility, marking a significant shift in how we approach and understand our journey beyond Earth.

Nilufar's journey extends beyond her formal role at NASA, from her early work with the Canadian Federal Government to her significant impact at the Aga Khan Foundation in Canada and East Africa, showcasing her commitment to global development and community well-being. Her contributions at NASA have redefined our journey to the stars as a shared yet profoundly personal quest imbued with hope, diversity, and unity, making every story she shares a part of our collective and individual aspirations toward space.

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 Nilufar hosting a NASA STEM program in Washington DC
Nilufar hosting a NASA STEM program in Washington DC

Recently, Nilufar’s efforts were acknowledged with the Johnson Space Center Director’s Innovation Team Award for her role in enhancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility initiatives, along with three agency awards recognizing her achievements in STEM Communications, her pivotal response to COVID-19, and her involvement in commemorating the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11. These honors highlight her dedication to space exploration and commitment to creating an inclusive environment that values diverse perspectives and experiences.

Nilufar’s story transcends a personal journey, serving as a guiding light for both dreamers and doers by illustrating that success is carved through overcoming adversity and inspiring others. Her narrative, rich with resilience, determination, and an unwavering refusal to accept defeat, embodies the essence of turning setbacks into comebacks and dreams into legacies.

Through her work at NASA, particularly on missions like Artemis, Nilufar adds a human touch to the quest for the stars, emphasizing that a blend of technology, human curiosity, and the pursuit of connection drives our exploration. Her life teaches us that success is an ongoing journey of exploration, where space is not just a frontier to conquer but a communal dream, encouraging us to build our aspirations on a foundation of hope, hard work, and the audacity to dream big while making every step in space exploration a step closer to realizing our collective potential.