As you prepare for IYMUN 2021, here are some resources from THIMUN conferences and renowned training organizations around the world to help you get started. On the page below, you will find introductory videos to MUN, debating, resolution writing, and interacting with your fellow delegates. You will also find an example of how a virtual, THIMUN-procedure committee session looks at a MUN conference. Finally, there are official THIMUN guides explaining the UN committees and rules of procedure.
Remember that there will also be delegate training days, in which you will receive formal training on what MUN is, how to debate and write resolutions, and what THIMUN procedure is all about!
What Is Model United Nations | How to Debate Diplomatically |
Model UN Tips and Tricks | How to Write a Resolution |
How to Research your Country’s Policies | Speaking Tips |
How to Deliver a Good Opening Speech | MUN THIMUN Rules of Procedure, Sample Committee Session |
Quick References
- Booklet 1 – The United Nations
- Booklet 2 – The United Nations and National Sovereignty
- Booklet 3 – The Educational Objectives of Model United Nations
- Booklet 4 – Research and Preparation
- Booklet 5 – Developing a Policy
- Booklet 6 – Opening Speeches
- Booklet 7 – Draft Resolutions
- Booklet 8 – The Delegate’s Role in the Lobbying Process
- Booklet 9 – Practicing Debate
- Booklet 10 – Student Officers
- Booklet 11 – General Rules of Procedure at THIMUN Conferences
- Sample Resolution
- Official THIMUN rules of procedure (2006 version)
- Security Council Guideline