Editorial Spain Newsletter

¡Ya Ali Madad!

Today we celebrate a year since the launch of the Ismaili Newsletter for the Jamat of Spain and we celebrate it with enthusiasm and joy.


Today we celebrate the first year of the launch of the Ismaili newsletter for the Jamat of Spain and at the same time is the day of Imamat Day that provides us an opportunity to reaffirm our loyalty and gratitude to Mawlana Hazar Imam and to renew our commitment to the ethics of our faith. On this happy day, we send our heartfelt congratulations to all Jamati members and offer prayers: may Mawlana Hazar Imam bless us with Baraka, protection, health, unity and happiness.

It has been a year where several programs have been carried out created by the teams of the Jamat of Spain from the economy, health, education, and religion, always with the vision of meeting the needs of the Jamat. We want to continue doing even more and for that we thank all the members of the Jamat who have participated in the different questionnaires that have been carried out.

We know that since the beginning of the pandemic the days have not been easy, many changes are happening, and we are adapting to them, and surely better days will come! Never forgetting to hold onto hope with faith, as Mawlana Hazar Imam has so emphatically pointed out to us in his latest messages:

As Mawlana Hazar Imam has so emphatically pointed out in his last messages, let us not forget to always maintain hope:

“It is my wish that my Jamat should look to the future with hope and courage, in keeping with its age-old tradition of unity, generosity and mutual support which has at all times enabled it to move forward to a position of enhanced strength and resilience, from generation to generation. My spiritual children should always remain mindful that it is the principles of our faith that will bring peace and solace in these times of uncertainty.”

Excerpt from message for the Global Jamat, 23rd May 2020

Once again, we remember the Jamat that this newsletter has the double objective of communicating content from Ismaili Institutions, as well as creating connectivity and cohesion between Ismailis in Spain; therefore, we plan to include content of local and global interest. We encourage the members of the Jamat of Spain to actively participate with articles and suggestions in the next newsletters, and we look forward to your participation!

We thank all the members of the Jamat who have collaborated in the production of the first of many numbers of this Newsletter.

Finally, we thank all the members of the Jamat who have collaborated with such dedication and commitment and especially to the communication team for the realization and success of one more number because without that dedication it would not have been possible.

Thank you and Mubarak
Farana Sadrudin
Member of the National Council of Portugal for Spain