Environmental awareness, in terms of good practices, has been widely disseminated, namely with regard to waste separation, recycling and saving and renewal of new natural resources. We learned that protecting and caring for the environment means maintaining its sustainability and, therefore, our safety and quality of life.
We will only be able to take care of the planet if we care for human dignity, especially for seniors, who belong to one of the groups with highest vulnerability and least autonomy. We share the same planet and belong to the same species. That is why it is urgent to place the preservation and sustainability of Human Rights as human responsibility.
We have recently witnessed an increase in physical, psychological and ethical-moral abuse, whether between people from the same family, the same culture, the same society, or between different societies and cultures, leading to a growing dehumanization and social breakdown.
There is an urgent need to act and react to the humiliation, discrimination and suffering of others as if it were our own, because only in this way do we live up to the only universal belief: every human life is irreplaceable and that is why it is priceless.
From this point of view, the separation of toxic waste, as well as recycling and renovation are linked to thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that put at risk peace, justice, freedom, equality and the planet where everyone lives in.